Theodore Medical is a No Gap billing practice

This means the Theodore Medical hospital accounts will be sent directly to your Health Fund, who in turn will pay Theodore Medical with no out of pocket gap to you. Central Qld Health and Hospital Service will also send the daily bed fee directly to your Health Fund. When you are admitted to Theodore Hospital as a private patient, you will be asked for your private Health Fund details.

Why go privately?

The advantage of private health is that you can choose your doctor and be treated straight away with the option of more services than the Public system.

Why go privately in Theodore when I will get the doctor of choice anyway?

If you have private health cover, you will not be out of pocket but the hospital fees help with the income to the Theodore Hospital and the viability of having more doctors in Theodore.

Who sees me in hospital?

The admitting doctor will be responsible for your inpatient care however, this may change on weekends and afterhours with the doctor on call conducting and billing for the consultation.

Ward Rounds

Monday to Friday there will be a ward round at 7.30am with all doctors and medical students attending.

Discharge Times

This will depend on what time the doctor sees the patient and the time for the nurses to complete the discharge paperwork. Discharge can take longer than you think!


As a private inpatient, some medications will be sourced from either Theodore Medical or Theodore Pharmacy.